Together we can


Mind Body Nature Therapy Services at Rooted Circle

Hike therapy trail


Therapy hikes | Creativity walks | Groups

Whether walking together virtually or in person, our minds become clearer, our bodies more rooted and creative. Movement helps release the stuck places, helps us spend our emotions. We often imagine that thinking about a problem will help us solve it, but nature based somatic psychotherapy helps us feel and sense changes we need. Get inspired to walk daily to lift depression and anxiety.

Charletta Erb, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist


Mind Body Nature immersion
Guidance to deepen your sleep state
Retreats for groups and individuals

Let your body sink into the earth, connecting with your senses for natural effortless mindfulness. I believe in using as many senses as possible to stimulate the deep relaxation response. By “flexing the muscle” of relaxation, we can more readily access the calming response, even in the split second it takes to recognize emotional reactions before they hijack the nervous system.

Ojai Ventura Oxnard and Camarillo Strong


Nature-based somatic psychotherapy (body-awareness)
Healing rituals in nature
Musical accompaniment and grief support

Painful memories are held in the body. Reminders outside your control trigger an automatic stress responses. In order to heal, it is important that we retrain the body to experience, safety, belonging and accepting in face of the stress response.

"Not to listen, then, is not to grow. But more than that, to be unable to listen is to be unable to give as well. It is easy to know what is good for someone else. It is difficult to listen and let them define themselves." - Joan Chittister